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The practices in Cheltenham have formed Primary Care Network (PCN). Each PCN has a lead who are senior doctors in one of the PCN practices. Each PCN has agreed plans, approved by the CCG, which they have developed to best serve the needs of their patients.

Each PCN may offer slightly different services, as their patient demographics will vary and have differing needs


The Central PCN is made up of the following practices and is led by Dr Robin Hollands MBBS. MRCGP.DRCOG.Dip.Occ.Med. The LEG for Central Cluster is Dr Will Miles.


The Peripheral PCN is made up of the following practices and is led by Dr Jim Pascoe-Watson MBBS. The LEG for Peripheral Cluster is Dr Will Miles.

St Paul’s

The St Paul’s PCN is made up of the following practices and is led by Dr Cameron Jackson. The LEG for Central Cluster is Dr Will Miles.